
Blue Mountain Christian University

201 W. Main St. Blue Mountain, MS, 38610, PO Box 160

Contact Us!


    Church Partnership Program

    Blue Mountain Christian will match designated Christian church gifts for BMC students up to, but not exceeding, $1,000.00 per academic year (fall, spring, and summer) per student.

    The scholarship program is applicable to both full-time graduate and undergraduate students.

    BMCU provides matching funds to gifts provided by Christian churches that hold Jesus Christ to be Lord and Savior. This is a matching scholarship program for individual churches only. Gifts from denominations or para-church organizations are not included in this matching gift program.

    The recommended student must be a member or student member in the church providing the scholarship.

    BMCU cannot provide church matching funds to student-athletes per NAIA regulations.

    There are additional provisions and requirements to receive this matching scholarship. All provisions and requirements must be fully reviewed and followed by each participating church and student.


    Please review Church Partnership Program Guidelines and the Application.

    Contact US!

    Office of Financial Aid

    Phone: 662.685.4771 (Ext. 141 or 145)

    Fax: 662.685.4773

    Mailing Address:

    201 W. Main St. Blue Mountain, MS 38610

    Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:00pm

    *College hours may vary during holidays and breaks.
    Office Location: Lower level of the Paschal Student Union Building

    Blue Mountain Christian will match designated Christian church gifts for BMC students up to, but not exceeding, $1,000.00 per academic year (fall, spring, and summer) per student.

    The scholarship program is applicable to both full-time graduate and undergraduate students.

    BMCU provides matching funds to gifts provided by Christian churches that hold Jesus Christ to be Lord and Savior. This is a matching scholarship program for individual churches only. Gifts from denominations or para-church organizations are not included in this matching gift program.

    The recommended student must be a member or student member in the church providing the scholarship.

    BMC cannot provide church matching funds to these student-athletes per NAIA regulations.

    There are additional provisions and requirements to receive this matching scholarship. All provisions and requirements must be fully reviewed and followed by each participating church and student.

    Office of Financial Aid
    Contact Us
    Fax: 662.685.4773

    Hours of Operation*
    Monday – Friday
    8:00AM – 4:00PM

    *College hours may vary during holidays and breaks.
    Office Location: Lower level of the Paschal Student Union Building

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